Thank you for attending the Annual Celebration of Women Luncheon. In the new millennium, the glass ceiling has continued to break and women are now on the cutting edge of everything.

Over 60 percent of college degrees awarded in the U.S. every year are earned by women. In fact, women are more likely than men to get a high school diploma as well, and the numbers are only expected to rise in the coming years.

The two highest IQs ever recorded, through standardized testing, both belong to women. Women currently hold 17% of Congressional and Senate seats and 18% of gubernatorial positions in the U.S. Approximately 14% of active members in the U.S. armed forces today are women. In 1950, women comprised less than 2% of the U.S. military.

As you can see, from business and politics to film and education, women are everywhere making things happen! Today, we are proud to honor women from Louisiana and in Louisiana who are doing great things in their communities and throughout the country.


Gisele Haralson